Thursday, October 16, 2014

My Book

It's here!

I can go on and on about the moment I received it and many there after, but I am speechless!


Thank you!


  1. Congratulations! I already have my copy on pre-order...waiting patiently. SO very happy for you!

  2. Congratulations!!! I have an order in with the quilt store her in New Zealand and so looking forward to it coming into my mail box.

  3. Congratulations on this huge achievement!! I love your blog and look forward to reading your book! Hugs to you - and a big pat on the back too!

    1. Thank you Liz,
      I couldn't be happier! Thank you for reading my blog. I Hope you read this message to know how much I appreciate your comments of encouragement.

  4. Oh those photos tell it all! Congratulations Sujata!

  5. congratulations! I love all of your pictures but the last one says it all!

  6. Congratulations! love the cover quilt!

  7. I can't wait to get my hands on your book! Congratulations, again!

  8. Congratulations! I can't even imagine all of the emotions you went through.

  9. How wonderful! Congratulations!

  10. Sujata the Author!
    I'm so happy for you & eager to see it myself!

  11. It's so very very exciting!! Congratulations!!! I love these photos, they happy do beam happiness!!!

  12. Congratulations! Sujata! How wonderful. Beautiful cover quilt and the title" Cultural Fusion Quilts" as well!

    1. Thank you, Tomoko! It had been a dream to put everything on paper. I am so glad I did. The name means everything I believe in, and the way I live. Hugs to you!

  13. I can't imagine how amazing you must feel. What a huge accomplishment, congratulations.

  14. Exciting!!! Love your different expressions and attributes (even pulling out the glasses) and ending with the final one:tears of joy. Did you sleep last night?

  15. What a great thrill! Congratulations!

  16. You rock! What a wonderful culmination to your journey...and exciting entry to the next adventure!

  17. So very happy for you! I love the super happy picture - and the last one made me tear up, too. It must be an overwhelming feeling! I can't wait to get my copy, and see those gorgeous quilts of your pop off the pages at me. Enjoy this, you deserve it!

  18. Yea! Congratulations!!! It must be fantastic to see it all finally in print. I'm sure it's absolutely beautiful. So happy for you!!

  19. Congratulations, I know how happy you are!

  20. Congratulations!!! I am so very much looking forward to getting your book!! And I already recommended it to my guild librarian! Enjoy this special time!

  21. Congratulations!! I will definately be buying this book..Thank you for putting your ideas on paper for me to always have~*

  22. I love seeing your tears of joy! I can't begin to imagine how excited you are about your new book - congratulations. I've checked and it won't be available in Canada until December 1 so I've added it to my wish list!

  23. Big Canadian congratulations!! I love the title of this book. I'm looking online as we speak!! And you have a big beautiful smile!!

    1. Thank you Caroline! I think ever since I moved to this country I have lived up to that title. Sometimes with not great enthusiasm but it has broaden my horizon on so many levels. Thanks for your sweet words.

  24. Hooray I can't wait to see it! You are the real deal, so happy for you. Happy to help promote if you'd like that!

  25. Congratulations! I know it is going to be a great book - just as your quilts are on your blog!! It's on my list to purchase!

  26. I can't imagine what a thrill that must be! Congratulations. I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of mine. Happily, since time seems to be flying, this won't feel like too long.

  27. Yeah for you and for US! Will be buying it for sure!

  28. Am so excited for you! Your beautiful smile is as wide as that cover...

  29. Hearty Congratulations, Sujata! What a happy and heartfilling moment for you to hold the book in your hands. Hope you are having a fantastic time at Quilt market. Enjoy your trip :)


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