Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Did you see the quilts from my book?

Megan Scott, marketing manager at C&T Publishers sent me this badge to add on my blog. So far I was so busy following my heart, making the quilts and writing the book, I never really gave a whole lot of thought on how it would feel to be an author or to have something this official on my blog.


I am proud to see this badge on my blog. Happy to have written a book about my passion and share the ideas with the quilting world.  

You can see this and few more quilts from my book Cultural Fusion Quilts on C&T Publishing's Flickr page.
 Just click on the link below.

I am getting all emotional thinking about a lot of things.. It's been a journey! One I am extremely proud of.

I am keeping busy making new quilts. Here is a wall hanging still in progress.

The colors are inspired by the full moon few nights ago. 

Hope you had a great start to your week. I sure did!


  1. I am really looking forward to your book!

  2. You should be very pround of that badge....congrats again. Love where the new piece is going!!

  3. Goodness Sujata, they are gorgeous as can be! What a wonderful accomplishment and testimony to your love and devotion to quilts and quilt making. I am so looking forward to reading YOUR BOOK!!!

  4. Congratulations! Your book is on my wish list! :D

  5. Sujata, I'm so happy you've written a book to share your exquisite sense of color and style. I have followed your blogs for a long time and I love your work. Congratulations on being a C&T author!

  6. Well done. Congratulations! All of us quilters know how much work goes into a quilt, but a book! what an achievement.

  7. congrats, I am so excited for you I know you wanted this for a long time

  8. Yes, you should be proud! We are proud of you as well...not to mentioned inspired! Neat new pottery quilt from moon inspiration. Keep on!

  9. I can't wait to hold that book in my hands. So inspirational!

  10. I will buy this book too. It really looks like YOU, from all the wonderful quilts I've already admired here on this blog. I particularly like the Birds in the Air in free-form!
    Amitiés de France

  11. Congratulations! Can't wait to get this beautiful book from the most lovely (inside and out) author:)

  12. I am looking forward to seeing more!


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