Thursday, December 9, 2010


This is not my quilt!

 Neither is this one.

The designer's name is Stacey.. and her blog is called, ' On the Design Wall.' She has been making these quilt for quite some time. Go visit her blog if you are interested in more of what is here. I really like her take on Gee's Bend inspired quilts.
And, for those of you who like to work with used shirts,check this out!
I wish I was there!


  1. I love the eye trickery of the bottom one and use of blue as highlight in the bottom quilt. Good morning to you and thank you for sharing and CELEBRATING this lady's talent. She must be tickled to be featured by you! May today be a THoughtful THursday for you, Em

  2. Stacey's quilts have got my attention for quite some time. Also visit her flickr photos, you will know how talented she is!

  3. Thank you, Sujata! I love your work as well!

  4. Her work is amazing! I've admired her on Flickr too. Good stuff!

  5. Thanks for sharing Stacey's work. It is amazing, Right up there with yours!

  6. Thanks for the tip! Her quilts are wonderful!

  7. I just found your blog. Now it is one of my favourites. Keep 'em coming.


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