Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Recap of visit to St. Louis and Lyme Disease

I had a wonderful time in St. Louis presenting and teaching this past weekend. The guild members were generous with their time and turnout was quite flattering. Total of 120 quilt enthusiasts including non members showed up for the lecture. I enjoyed showing my slides from India and sharing the stories behind them.

Thank you Thimble and Thread Quilt Guild for the invite and your hospitality! Mary Ellen did an amazing job taking care of me! Thank you Mary Ellen for spending time with me.

Julie Sefton of Me and My Quilts - Exploring the Possibilities also drove from Tennessee to attend the lecture and workshop. It is always nice to meet my blogger friends when I travel, it makes me feel like I am surrounded by family members. Julie also brought some of her quilts she has been making from my book. It was a pleasure to see them in person! 

In the workshop on Saturday we had some rail fence fun! We explored different possibilities with the rail fence units.

While some blocks were definitely intentional,

Layout shown in the book Explored by Jezalle
zigzagging rail fence by Mary Ellen
Layout shown in the book - Blocks made by participants in the class
There was one that was all about exploring the possibilities. Or as we call it a  happy accident!

This was made by Louis. She described herself as a very much of a straight line quilter, a perfectionist. She decided to take the class after my presentation wanting to try something new!

Fabulous ''mistake'' made by Louis
All of us liked it so much so that some decided to repeat the ''mistake''!

Most of my students ended up making at least four blocks. At the end of the class there were enough blocks to make a queen size quilt!

Photograph by Jaya Parker
Here is me in action! I decided to dress Indian for the presentation. I thought it would fit the theme better ;-) I also met up with couple of Indian quilting friends I know.

Here are my two helpers showing the difference between traditional and free-form half square triangles. Julie brought her dazzling hst quilt for comparison. Thank you Julie!

Quilts made by Julie Sefton and Sujata Shah
 Did I say it was a full house?
Five minutes before the lights went off
One of the things I always like to do when I am up in the air is to stare at the clouds. They calm me down, help me focus before and after the events. 

Somewhere over Washington D.C.
How about this shot? I had never seen the Washington Monument from this angle.

It's nice to be home. I definitely need to take it easy for next couple of weeks or as much as I can.

Something I don't believe I had mentioned here earlier. When I was in Maryland for MAQ, I had noticed a rash on my body. After coming home I rushed to the doctor and was diagnosed with Lyme Disease. I have had four weeks of antibiotics in my system and still have plenty of lingering effects. All in all, I work when I can and rest most of the time. That's also the reason I have been slow at responding to your emails, making quilts and starting new projects. Hopefully these symptoms will go away soon. Until then, I am dreaming of quilts and working on few bits of fabrics at a time.

Have a great rest of the week sewing, gardening, traveling and lazying.


  1. Oh so sorry about that Lyme disease; I've had it and it is no fun--you get SO tired out SO fast. Living in SE CT we are inundated with the ticks almost year round--we often say "C'mon first freeze--that'll get rid of them!!);--000
    I wish I could attend one of your classes....your students' blocks are so lovely. I have your book opened
    right now to the "Rail Fence" on my cutting table. Am hoping to make my grandson a "Going Away to College" quilt and thought this would be a good choice--he loves orange....such a challenge....hope you feel back in the pink soon, hugs, Julierose

  2. Feel better - the whole Lyme thing is going around Lynn Tyler had it and even my poor BT dog Sammy had it earlier this summer. Still loving your rail fences....

  3. Lyme can have lingering effects. I wish you a speedy and complete recovery. Congratulations on your latest lecture and workshop.

  4. Thanks for the update, great results in your classes. My grand daughters, living on the east coast, just had a bout with Lyme disease. I hope you get better fast.

  5. Sorry to hear about the Lyme Disease. Sounds like you are doing all the right things for it.

  6. The St Louis trip seems to have been a great success, enjoyed by many. I hope your recovery from Lyme Disease is smooth.

  7. It's wonderful to see all these photos of your class. it's the next best thing to being there. I love the mistake block too. I hope you're feeling better soon. rest up and take care of yourself.

  8. Oh my!! So sorry to hear about the Lyme Disease, obviously one of those that takes time to get out of your system.
    Hope you are able to work on a little quilting as you recover.

  9. Loving the Rail Fence blocks-on my list to do soon. I have been reading about the class over at Julie's blog and it sounded like a lot of fun. I had to read up about Lyme disease as it's not something we hear about here in New Zealand-we don't have ticks here. Take time and rest up. Hope you feel better soon.

  10. Oh my goodness so sorry to hear that you had Lymes disease! Glad that you are under a doctors care, and that you are listening to your body and resting. Wishing for a complete recovery! The rail fence project is in my future! Love it!

  11. I am so sorry about your Lyme desease Sujata. Hoping your antibiotical therapy will shut it up. Ticks are such a plague.

    As for quilting, you had so much fun with all these Ladies! I really love The Mistake, it brings a happy distraction to the eye!

    You do have many, many persons thinking of you, sending positive thoughts for your quick recorery, including from France :-)
    All the best to you,

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about your illness. May you get well soon! Love all your students blocks, so vibrant and full of energy!

  13. Please rest up! Let your body be strong enough to fight off the disease. Thank you for sharing all the lovely pictures. Would love to see your slides of India someday! Got to get cracking on my Rail Fence. All the strips are cut, just waiting.

  14. looks like fun - Rest and recover quickly!

  15. I'm relieved they caught your Lyme disease early, it can be very bad news when left undetected. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  16. Hi, I wanted to tell you I received my book from you. I love it! This class looked like a lot of fun. I can't wait to start making my blocks. Hugs,

  17. Sujata, so concerned for your health. Its a nasty one I've heard, but apparantly better if you catch it early! I'll email you, take care my friend.

  18. Your time in St Louis looks really great. I am not surprised! So sorry to hear about your illness. I hope the antibiotics and rest do their work, and that you feel much better soon! xo

  19. I'm glad you were able to get an early (hopefully) diagnosis and proper treatment. Rest and feel better soon.

  20. I have begun your Rail fence from your book and I have a question: I am having trouble cutting those 4-layers of 20" strips--I do have a new rotary cutter--any suggestions...?? I put one long rule to hold the pile in place but the other side buckles
    as i reach toward the top...thanks..hugs, Julierose

    1. Try steam pressing the stack as it suggests in the book just before slicing. Also if four layers don't work, slice two at a time.

  21. I read about your class on Julie's blog - it sounded like so much fun! Love that "mistake" block. What fun to discover a new layout!

    So sorry to hear about your bout with Lyme disease. It sounds like a nasty thing to get. I'm thinking of you and wishing you a quick and complete recovery.


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Block Prints Quilt

Ever since I came home from Sisters, I have spent a lot of time in my sewing room. There are quite a few unfinished projects lingering in my...