Thursday, October 30, 2014

Houston Fall Market - The People

I have no idea how one describes the kind of experience I have had.

All my life I have believed that the person I am today is because of the roads I have traveled in the past. Every step we take and turn we take, it changes the course of our lives.

When I agreed on doing a schoolhouse presentation for C&T I was unsure on what to expect. I am generally a very shy person, meeting new people and talking about my book, it was all happening for the first time in my life. With the thought of meeting and greeting every possibility with open arms, I booked the tickets and packed my bags. I took as many quilts as possible to paint a picture of my book to the shop owners from around the world. And for those who did not attend my schoolhouse, I am certain I made a lasting impression by wearing Indian outfits for the presentation and days that followed.

It was the best experience of my quilting journey so far! I met so many people who I have admired over the years, made many new friends. Most importantly, I got to share my book and quilts with them in person.  Their words of encouragement and willingness to help will forever stay in my heart and memories. Here are some of the pictures of past few days.

At my schoolhouse presentation
Kathy Doughty and Kaffe Fassett
This was a full circle moment for me. I began my teaching career with workshops based on his fabrics and books. One of the first people I ran into was Kaffe Fassett soon followed by Kathy Doughty of Material Obsession. It was great to hear their reactions to my book.

I spent my time attending various presentations. Here is a moment before Kaffe Fassett, Brandon Mably and Liza Lucy did their presentation. They were the only people in the whole convention center I had met prior to this trip. Honestly, I was uncomfortable to be walking as a complete stranger.

Brandon Mably wearing an Alexander Henry print and of course, my book.  
 the presentation
Carolyn Reese, Anita Grossman Soloman, Jan Krentz

Conversations I had with them are carved in my memories. It felt like I was in a dream. Authors, designers, artists I had never met but seen pictures on social media or in books were there. I did not have nerve to walk up and talk to anyone of them but I did. Then again, some people I should have recognized, I did not and embarrassed myself. They all turned out to be forgiving and quite supportive.

On first day I debated my being there. Voices in my head kept screaming, "I did not belong there, it was a whole another world I wasn't ready to explore." Meeting these three incredibly supporting human beings was a humbling experience. Hearing what they had to say about the book was encouraging. 

On the second day of the market, I was a bit more comfortable. I stuck to wearing Indian outfit. No longer anxious I went with ''ready to meet the world and greet everything with open arms as it approaches me'' attitude.

Allison Glass in her booth

Alma Allen of Blackbird Designs
Pat Sloan
Amy and David Butler
I had the most wonderful conversations with both of them. In my head of course I was saying...This is not happening.. someone please pinch me!

 Liesl Gibson and Denyse Schmidt in Amy Butler's booth
Julie Silber and Deborah Turner Ursell
I am often inspired by antique quilts and have known them through a fb group. It was nice to meet them both in person.
I also met Victoria Findlay Wolf and saw her beautiful wedding ring quilts from her upcoming book. Mary Koval had her antique quilts exhibit in the exhibit hall which was inspiring. Adita Sitar of Laundry Basket Quilts, Malka Dubrawsky of Stitch and Dye, Carolyn Forster, Pepper Cory, Jane Sassaman all are so charming and friendly. I can't believe in spite of the conversations we had, I did not get a single picture with them.

As we returned the car at the airport, I took a glance at the waiting area where I sat nervous and unsure less than a week ago! Much has changed. I am evolving and I can see this latest turn could be a very good thing.

I am learning to say, Yes! 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Houston Quilt Market

I am excited and ready for this and every firsts that come along the way.

It's been two and a half days since I received my book. If you missed that announcement, visit 

It is still hard to put my emotions in words but all I can say is it's been an amazing experience. Thank you, C&T Publishing for doing such a wonderful job with my book. I know you treat every single project with same passion and commitment,  I couldn't be happier with what the team has done for my dream.

And now I am ready for Houston!

I will be doing a schoolhouse presentation for my book Cultural Fusion Quilts.
Room 362D
Date: 24th October 2014
Time : 4:20 to 4:50 

This will be my first time being in Houston. This is all so new to me, I am not sure what to expect. All these years I dreamed of going to the show and never made it. I am so excited to meet new people, authors and bloggers I have connected through last four years. If you have been reading my blog, or are a new follower and going to be there, please look for me.

How would you spot me in crowd? I will be carrying this bag which I made just for the market. 

I am choosing quilts to take with me for the schoolhouse.

If I could, I would carry them all. After all, nothing like looking at quilts in in person. I love to watch the quilts being unfolded in slow motion from four corners to a complete reveal. I would love for everyone there to be able to do the same.

If you happen to be there, come say hello!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

My Book

It's here!

I can go on and on about the moment I received it and many there after, but I am speechless!


Thank you!

Block Prints Quilt

Ever since I came home from Sisters, I have spent a lot of time in my sewing room. There are quite a few unfinished projects lingering in my...