Wednesday, September 13, 2017

New Quilt with Primary Colors

I must be in the zone! It has been three days of non stop sewing. The pink quilt is still relatively pink.

I haven't changed it much since you saw it here in the previous post but I found another project in the "Lost and Found" bin.

It is calling for attention but it will have to wait because I started a new quilt just yesterday. 

In the morning over the cup of tea, my husband asked, if I have made a quilt with primary colors.

Did he mean with yellow, blue and red?

Yes, that's what he meant!

Silly me!

After thinking for a bit I realized, I hadn't... made a quilt with primary colors.

It sounded like a good idea to take on as a challenge. So I went looking for three colors in my stash of solids. Guess what? I have literally used up most of the bright colors from my stash. 

I did find some pieces of yellow and red and little yardage of blue, decided to throw couple of pieces of his old shirts and that was enough to get me going.

humble pieces making powerful statement in unity

As you can see, I am not doing a great job on keeping it straight or flat. I also want to acknowledge that none of that is important to me. What I do want is to focus on colors and composition of this piece. As I continue to work, it is making me pause and think about the gentle curves and the movement they create. I am also making a mental note of every decision I make. Do you ever do that? I mean something like why you choose one shade of color over the other?

I love the simplicity of this housetop block. It is still a work in progress.

At this point, I am also very curious on where it ends up. 

Talk about a morning conversations! You never know where they will lead you.  The truth is, you don't need much of a push when you mind is already charged.

I am definitely in the zone. Hope you are too!


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Last Workshops of 2017 in the East Bay and Seattle Area

2017 has been a busy year for me and my family. I have had a great time teaching all over the country. Apart from teaching, there were two graduations in the family and a wedding! Not to mention my trips to India for my mom. We have had many guests from India and here visiting us. We have played tourist guide for them and in the process visited places we used to love when we lived here several times.

The year is not quite over but I am feeling as far as classes go, I am wrapping up soon. I will be teaching at East Bay Heritage Quilters in couple of weeks but that will be my last local workshops based on freeform blocks. My book, Cultural Fusion Quilts has been so good for me. It has made me grow in the best possible way. From what I hear from my students for last three years, it has also made a difference in how they see the beauty in imperfections.

I still have few unfinished projects needing my attention. Last few quiet weeks and this new scrap quilt I started, have given me much to think about as far as what to do next.

 Yes, so much for making a Pink quilt! The red made its way into it and I didn't even know it!

I am having fun. These nine blocks are making me think of what I could do next. Little sketchy on what that may be, but for now, they excite me and I want to continue being immersed in unknowns.

So, here is the list of places I will be. If you are in the bay area, this is the last call!  Come take a class with me! There are few more spots available at ebhq (open for non members) and Pacific Northwest Quilt and Fiber Art Museum. 

Last of this year's workshops include -
Freeform Blocks in Berkeley, CA at ebhq 
Crossroads- ebhq
Endless Mountains in Washington at
Rail Fence workshop at Calico Creations, Mount Vernon, WA - FULL
Three workshops on IQA cruise to the Caribbean - Registration Closed -

It feels good to be sewing again. While I do, I can't stop thinking about all the catastrophic events happening all over the country as well as in the world. People in the path of hurricanes, fires and floods here at home, and in India and Bangladesh are on my mind.

Keeping them in my thoughts as I continue to be who I am.



Block Prints Quilt

Ever since I came home from Sisters, I have spent a lot of time in my sewing room. There are quite a few unfinished projects lingering in my...